Web Technology Craftmanship

John stays relevant as he utilizes techonology, derived from Greek word Techne (Τέχνη), is conceptually a combination of philosophy and a particular use of technology, in this case web development and architectual design.

John Vicecio Brown Desk


Personal Insight

John Vicencio has an academic background in philosophy and business managent. Although professional development is important, John focuses on other venues such as philosophizing, poetry, and coffee shop hangouts.


Technological Experience

Philosophy and technology may seem like an unusual combination but the Greek word for techne (Τέχνη) has been pondered on for more than 2,000 years. Techne simply means "tools" which really translates to technologies in any forms including, a pencil, abacus, modern day computers (i.e. desktop, smartphones, tablet, any devices that has CPUs), and lastly computer programming. Selft-taught in this field, John has also studied Computer Science courses and went to a Software Engineering bootcamp.



John has developed applications on both static and dynamic websites that use databases. He also keeps up with the latest technologies. At the moment, John focuses on C# programming language using the .NET framework. He is also knowledgeable in PHP, HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, JavaScript; some Ruby and Python; other technologies like ASP.NET MVC; and has played around with Laravel and Ruby on Rails.


  • John Vicencio Clark County Programmer Analyst

    Government (undisclosed), Sept 2023 — Current
    Worked with interal customers to providing software solutions and data analysis.

  • John Vicencio MythosLife Founder Web Development Services Web Developer

    MythosLife, October 2014 — September 2023
    Worked on web development projects on the side in 2014 (MythosLife started as technology blog website in 2007). Duties include marketing, proposals, front-end development, back-end development, domain purchase, web host set-up and coordinated logo design and put together marketing materials like brochure or postcards if needed. Focused on UI/UX through-out the web development life cycle.

  • John Vicencio Web Development with Ranta Consulting Lead Full Stack Web Developer

    Ranta Consulting, July 2018 — December 2019
    Lead the Web Development department. Worked on school district websites in .NET Framework using VB.net. Translated Photoshop website design concept into a live website using frontend technologies like HTML/HTML5, JavaScript, CSS/CSS3, jQuery, SASS, LESS, Bootstrap; ASP.NET Web Forms,SQL(MS SQL Server), front-end design using Bootstrap, CSS, C#, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, DOM, jQuery, and even WordPress sites; pushed websites to IIS server; Used SVN for version control; Translated PSD to HTML using PhotoShop. Developed several New York state school district websites and local businesses websites integrating them with custom made .NET based CMS and even WordPress sites where I developed solutions with PHP and theme developments. Maintained and supported existing clients on any of their website needs

  • John Vicencio Web Development with DIS Web Developer

    Disability Insurance Services, Feb 2016 — July 2018
    Full-time. Design, create, modify DIS web sites and applications. Analyze UI/UX needs to implement web content, graphics, performance, and capacity. Support integration between web-based applications and other external applications. Convert written, graphic, audio, and video components to compatible web formats by using software designed to facilitate the creation of web and multimedia content. Worked as Data Management Systems Coordinator at Disability Insurance Services since 2002.

  • John Vicencio Founder at MythosNetwork Founder

    MythosNetwork, May 2017 — Present
    MythosNetwork focuses on increasing customer visits to your business through local SEO (targeted) strategy. Over 90% of customers search online with local intent. About 50% of local business searches are done on mobile phones by customers, who visit them a few days after to purchase products/services.

  • John Vicencio Saffron & Sage Web Director Web Director

    Saffron & Sage, April 2016 — October 2016
    Part-time. Responsible for the technological and web UI/UX needs of the company. Work directly with the CEO. Analyze tech issues, recommends solutions, implements technologies as needed and assists with all technology needs. Help out on web host, MailChimp, Squarespace, Mind Body and Shopify settings and others like Analytics and Google Apps.

  • John Vicencio Work at DIS Data Management Systems Coordinator

    Disability Insurance Services, September 2002 — February 2016
    Worked with CEO, Executives and Managers; helped with e-marketing campaigns; controlled and maintained IT inventory; researched, requested, and recommended IT equipments and services; helped with reports and some queries using SQL; maintained websites (webmaster).

  • John Vicencio MythosLife Founded Technology Columnist

    MythosLife, January 2007 — October 2015
    Founded MythosLife as a technology blogger in 2007 until October 2014. Wrote anything about technology including smartphone updates including (but not limited to) industry trends, Android news, open-source versus closed systems, innovations, and patents.

  • picture_in_picture Underwriting Assistant

    London American General Agency, 2001 — 2002
    Assisted on researching Property Casualty rates. Proofread documentations that the underwriters processed.

  • John Vicencio Computer Trainer at SDSU Computer Trainer

    San Diego State University, 1994 — 1999
    Taught undergrad business and liberal arts students on Microsoft Office applications; helped students with their Excel assignments including formulas and formats.


Doing it rightly

Live life to the fullest but rightly!

Big Bare Photo


John Vicencio Website Screenshot
John Vicenciomore_vert
John Vicencioclose

Personal and professional website that uses technologies like Code First, Entity FrameworkASP.NET MVC, C#, Razor, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Materialize CSS (Responsive Design, Material Design).

Coming soon: Blog engine with CRUD, Entity Framework, SQL, MS SQL

MythosLife Website Screenshot

Founded MythosLife that uses technologies: PHP, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Materialize CSS (Responsive Design, Material Design), SQL, MSQL.

MythosNetwork Website Screenshot

Founded MythosLife that uses technologies: PHP, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Materialize CSS (Responsive Design, Material Design), SQL, MSQL, Monstra CMS.

John's DIS Sample Work

Insurance website that offers disability insurance to consumers admin login page, and blog engine.

Technologies: Code First, Entity Framework, ASP.NET MVC, C#, Razor, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap.

Vicencio's JavaScript Sample Calculator'
Pizza Order Pagemore_vert
Pizza Order Pageclose

A JavaScript project using DOM that calculates cost of a pizza depending on the selected options in the menu.

Technologies: JavaScript, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, Bootstrap (with Material Design).

John's ASP.NET MVC C# Code'
AAB Brokersmore_vert
AAB Brokersclose

Agency Address Book (AAB) is a small address book web application where you can add brokers and their clients.

Technologies: Code First, Entity Framework, Identity, ASP.NET MVC, C#, Razor, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap.

Photo of Codes on Computer for Inventory Management System Sample
Inventory Management Systemmore_vert
Inventory Management Systemclose

A live project working with a team in a SCRUm environment. Helped set up models, did Code First using Entity Framework and made controllers and GUI.

Technologies: Code First, Entity Framework, ASP.NET MVC, C#, Razor, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap.

Screenshot of John Vicencio's Ruby on Rails App'
Pinterested Web Appmore_vert
Pinterested Web Appclose

It's a Pinterest clone web app made in Ruby using Ruby on Rails.

Technologies: Rails, Ruby on Rails, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap.

Screenshot of a search engine app programmed by John Vicencio

A PHP web app project that demonstrates a simple search engine using SQL and MSQL database.

Technologies: PHP, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, SQL, MSSQL.

Photo of computer to illustrate a Ruby app
Ruby Weather Appmore_vert
Ruby Weather Appclose

A Ruby app that displays the weather by entering a zip code.

Technologies: Ruby.

Photo of code to illustrate a Python app programmed by John Vicencio
Python File Mover Appmore_vert
Python File Mover Appclose

A Python app that handles file transfer from one folder to another.

Technologies: Python, SQL, SQLite.

Photo of code to illustrate a SQL database programmed by John Vicencio
SQL Databasemore_vert
SQL Databaseclose

Created database using SQL queries and stored procedure. It's a database of a book collection that demonstrates how display, get number of books, retrieving library branch and more.

Technologies: SQL.

Photo of code to illustrate a C# app programmed by John
C# Simple Calculatormore_vert
C# Simple Calculatorclose

A simple ASP.NET Webform calculator that takes two values to add, subtract, multiply and divide them.

Technologies: ASP.NET, WebForm, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3.

Photo of code to illustrate a JavaScript app programmed by John Vicencio
JavaScript Google Map APImore_vert
JavaScript Google Map APIclose

Uses Google Map API using JavaScript and HTML5 API to find the coordinates of a loccation via the web.

Technologies: HTML5, HTML5 API, Google Map API, JavaScript.

Screenshot of San Diego Pool Guard Website Developed by John Vicencio
San Diego Pool Guardmore_vert
San Diego Pool Guardclose

I developed a website for a small business owner who installs pool fences.

Technologies: PHP, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, SQL, MSSQL, Materialize CSS.

Screenshot of San Diego Pool Plaster Website Designed and Developed by John
San Diego Pool Plastermore_vert
San Diego Pool Plasterclose

Developed a dynamic website who offers pool plastering service in San Diego.

Technologies: PHP, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, SQL, MSSQL, Materialize CSS, OctoberCMS.

A retail store ecommerce developed by John Vicencio
Lavish Productsmore_vert
Lavish Productsclose

Developed an ecomerce website for a retail store in San Diego who sells hand-made lotions and soaps.

Technologies: PHP, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, SQL, MSSQL, Materialize CSS, OpenCart.

Photo of computer with code
More Sample Websitesmore_vert
More Sample Websitesclose

Establishing MythosLife, I help small businesses standout so they can implement their brand into a website that is dynamic and professionally made.

Technologies: PHP, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, SQL, MSSQL, Materialize CSS, others.

Arthur C. Clarke

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

Crystal Ball


Computer Languages

  • Logo for C# C#

    Backend Language
    Experienced, Studied, & Self-Taught

  • Logo for PHP PHP

    Backend Language
    Experienced, Studied, & Self-Taught

  • Logo for SQL SQL

    Database Query Language
    Experienced, Studied, & Self-Taught

  • Logo for JavaScript JavaScript

    Frontend Language
    Experienced, Studied, & Self-Taught

  • Logo for R R

    Statistical computing, data analysis, and visualization.
    Experienced, Studied & Trained

  • Logo for Python Python

    Backend Language
    Experienced, but Studied & Self-Taught

  • Logo for Ruby Ruby

    Computer Language
    No Experience, but Studied & Self-Taught

  • Logo for C++ C++

    Computer Language
    No Experience, but Studied & Self-Taught

  • Logo for Java Java

    Computer Language
    No Experience, but Studied & Self-Taught

  • Logo for BASICS BASICS

    Backend Language
    No Experience, but Studied & Self-Taught

  • Logo for HTML HTML/HTML5

    Frontend Language
    Experience, Studied & Self-Taught

  • Logo for CSS CSS/CSS3

    Frontend Language
    Experience, Studied & Self-Taught




    .NET Framework
    Experienced, Studied, & Self-Taught

  • Logo for Laravel Laravel

    LAMP Environment
    No Experience, but Studied, & Self-Taught

  • Logo for Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails

    Ruby on Rails
    No Experience, but Studied, & Self-Taught

  • Logo for jQuery jQuery

    JavaScript Library
    Experienced, Studied, & Self-Taught

  • Logo for Bootstrap Bootstrap 3 & 4

    Frontend Framework
    Experienced, Studied, & Self-Taught

  • Logo for Materialize CSS Materialize CSS

    Frontend Framework
    Experienced, Studied, & Self-Taught

  • Logo for v Angular

    Frontend Framework
    No Experience, but Studied, & Self-Taught



  • Logo for Microsoft SQL Server MS SQL Server

    Microsoft Database
    Experienced, Studied, & Self-Taught

  • Logo for MySQL MySQL

    Opensource Database
    Experienced, Studied, & Self-Taught

  • Logo for SQLite SQLite

    Opensource Database
    No Experience, Studied, & Self-Taught

  • Logo for PostgreSQL PostgreSQL

    Opensource Database
    No Experience, Studied, & Self-Taught



  • Logo for Microsoft Fabric Microsoft Fabric

    Microsoft Fabric uses the OneLake environment, which is a unified data lake for all of Microsoft Fabric's data workloads. This environment supports various data integration, data engineering, data warehousing, and data science tasks, providing a seamless experience for managing and analyzing data across the Microsoft ecosystem. It also integrates with other Microsoft services like Azure Synapse Analytics, Power BI, and Microsoft Purview, enhancing data governance and analytics capabilities.
    Experienced, Studied, & Self-Taught

  • Logo for IIS Server IIS Server

    Microsoft .NET Environment
    Experienced, Studied, & Self-Taught

  • Logo for Apache Server Apache Server

    LAMP Environment
    Experienced, Studied, & Self-Taught

  • Logo for Microsoft Windows Operating System Windows

    Microsoft Operating System
    Experience, Studied, & Self-Taught

  • Logo for MacOS MacOS

    Apple Operating System
    Experience, Studied, & Self-Taught

  • Logo for Command Line Command Line

    Windows, Linux and MacOS Command Line
    Experience, Studied, & Self-Taught

  • Logo for GitHub GitHub

    Version Control
    Some Experience, Studied, & Self-Taught


Other Important Skills

  • Kid Thinking Thought Process

    Logical & Creative Thinking
    Ability break-down problems and provide creative solutions

  • Two People Looking at a Tablet Business

    Excellent Customer Service with great business sense
    Ability help stakeholders options and customer satisfaction

  • Old Telephone Communication

    Active Listening
    Ability listen to people and communicate depending on their need

  • A Guy Playing Chess Leadership

    Entrepreneurial & Delegation
    Established a business and delegate tasks to increase leadership endeavor

  • Showing Five People to Represent Teamwork Teamwork

    Works better with a team
    Works well with other people with different backgrounds

  • A Robot Technology

    Computer Savvy
    Up-to-date on anything technological

  • Lady Signing an Insurance Document Insurance

    Risk Management
    Experienced and studied the industry and understands how insurance helps consumers



We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.

DIS Web Developer Lake


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